Beyblade Wiki

The Maximum Series is a series of Beyblade in which, one of the parts are considered



the best at something, hence the name, Maximum. It consists of Twisted Tempo 145WD, Flame Byxis 230WD, Hades Kerbecs BD145DS, Evil Befall UW145EWD, Spiral Capricorn 90MF.

Flame Byxis 230WD

Flame Byxis is part of the Maximum Series because it has the tallest Spin Track, measuring 23 millimeters.

Twisted Tempo 145WD

Twisted Tempo is part of the Maximum Series because its Fusion Wheel is the heaviest non 4D wheel, weighing 47.84 grams.

Hades Kerbecs BD145DS

Hades Kerbecs is part of the Maximum Series because its Fusion Wheel is the widest non 4D wheel, measuring 50 millimeters.

Evil Befall UW145EWD

Evil Befall is part of the Maximum Series because its Performance Tip is said to be best for Stamina purposes.

Spiral Capricorn 90MF

Spiral Capricorn is part of the Maximum Series because of its Performace Tip Metal Flat (MF), allowing this Beyblade great speed and powerful upper smash attack.

